The Royal Naval Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers' Association (MCDOA)




Starfish were asked by the The Royal Naval Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers’ Association to create a new resource based website.

The aim of the Association, which has 330 members worldwide, is to perpetuate the "Esprit de Corps" of Royal Naval and certain other Minewarfare and Clearance Diving Officers through the frequent exchange of information and regular meetings on both a formal and social basis and the website needed to deliver on this practical level.

It’s a great improvement on my old site



The first task was to re-draw the logo, the original version of which had long since been lost. The ‘badge’ now has a fresh, contemporary feel as does the new the CMS website.

One of the main drivers for the client was ease-of-use and for it to be easy to navigate as well a clean, smart design and this has been achieved "It’s a great improvement on my old site, mainly because I don’t have to format and re-size each image I upload to provide low-res version plus linked larger hi-res version!"




Oxford Biomedica